Thursday, January 25, 2018

The Ultimate List of Niches For Digital Marketing (Updated For 2018)


The first step when starting any online business is to choose a niche.

It doesn’t matter what that business is. It could be in digital publishing, affiliate marketing, eCommerce, or coaching and consulting. Knowing what niche to target is critical…

…because the choice of a niche can make or break a business. It’s as simple as that.

Every niche is different. Some niches are more profitable than others.

Choosing the right niche can make a business wildly successful. Choosing the wrong niche can drive a business into the ground.

But how to choose the right niche?

The key to selecting the right niche is having a solid understanding of what niches really are…

Niches Are Really Needs

Each niche reflects a set of needs—the basic needs that every human being has.

In 1943, Abraham Maslow proposed what we know today as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. His theory was that every human being in the world has the same basic needs and these needs can be divided into five categories:

  • Physiological: Food, water, breathing, sleeping
  • Safety: Employment, a home to live in, security for the family, social stability
  • Love/Belonging: family, friendship, intimacy, a sense of connection with others
  • Esteem: Achievement, respect from others, confidence
  • Self-Actualization: Creativity, spontaneity, morality, acceptance

Maslow proposed that each of these needs has to be fulfilled in order to “move up the ladder.” For instance, people must have enough food and water and get enough sleep to be able to consider their safety needs. This makes sense. After all, a person would risk their safety in order to get the food or water they need to survive.

Most people in the developed world have achieved the physiological and even safety needs. However, it doesn’t really matter where people are on Maslow’s Hierarchy. The requirement to fill these needs translates into problems.

Niche markets exist to solve these problems!

With that in mind, here is how to choose a winning niche…

Choosing a Winning Niche – The 5-Step Checklist

There are certain criteria that combine to create a winning niche. All it takes is five steps. These five steps ensure each of the following is ideal for a niche:

  1. Digital Friendly
  2. Competition
  3. Size of Audience
  4. Popularity in Search
  5. Long-Term Potential

Let’s take a look at each of these steps in greater detail.

1. Digital Friendly

The niche must support digital products. This will provide the best chance of profitability. A digital-friendly niche means it can support products that can be sold online, bought online, and downloaded or streamed directly to the customer’s computer or mobile device.

The good thing is that digital products can be created in any niche. It doesn’t matter what niche it is—whether it’s fitness, finance, or survivalism—there is information about these niches that people want to know. Digital-friendly products include:

  • Books
  • Reports
  • Online courses
  • Video courses
  • Webinars
  • And more…

2. Competition

It might be tempting to choose a niche in which there is little to no competition. However, this is NOT actually best for business.

Competition is a good thing! It means that a lot of people are spending money in that niche.

The more competition there is, the more:

  • Good affiliates there will be who know how to create and promote an offer
  • Affiliate offers there will be to promote
  • Information there will be on how to promote those offers
  • People will be looking for those offers

Some competition will warm the niche up for a really great offer. It is best to take advantage of this.

3. Size of Audience

Every niche has an audience—the people who are interested in the niche. The bigger and more active the audience, the better the niche.

It’s like the brick and mortar store. The best locations for these stores were in areas of high traffic. The rents in these areas cost more because there was a larger “audience.” It was more likely these locations would attract more customers.

For an online business, a good niche is like a good location. It is where people tend to pass by, take an interest, and gather.

One of the best ways to find information on an audience is to use Facebook Audience Insights. Facebook Audience Insights provides a detailed breakdown of information based on:

  • Facebook data gathered from the information provided by Facebook users
  • Third-party data gathered from sources reporting on things such as purchasing habits and household income

To use Facebook Audience Insights, simply choose the desired audience and select the segment’s parameters. The results will be broken down as follows:

  • Demographics
  • Page Likes
  • Location
  • Activity
  • Household
  • Purchase

This audience information is invaluable when selecting a niche. The better the results, the better the niche.

4. Popularity in Search

The best niches will be associated with popular keywords. Keywords are the words or phrases that people type into the search engines. Some keywords are more popular than others, even within a profitable niche.

For example, in the Fitness niche, popular keywords include:

  • fitness
  • my fitness plan
  • fitness apps
  • 24 hours fitness

These keywords generate close to or over a million searches every month. Others aren’t as popular and only generate less than 2,000 searches each month, such as:

  • solitary fitness
  • fitness incentive
  • fitness solutions
  • fitness log

Google Keyword Planner is the best way to determine how popular a keyword or search term is. It makes it possible to:

  • Search for new keywords
  • Combine multiple keyword lists
  • View trends and search volumes
  • Obtain performance forecasts

And keywords that are generated through Google Keyword Planner can be filtered to target by:

  • Location
  • Language
  • Search Network
  • Negative Keywords
  • Average Monthly Searches
  • Suggested Bid
  • As Impression Share
  • Organic Impression Share
  • Organic Average Position
  • Competition

5. Long-Term Potential

The best niches will be profitable over the long-term. In other words, there is no end in terms of the need it fulfills.

Think about it this way. Pregnancy is a high-need niche. When someone is having a baby, there is no greater concern for them. They want as much help and information as possible.

But pregnancy only lasts for nine months. Then it’s done.

The pregnancy niche has short-term potential.

But what about scaling pregnancy horizontally to encompass parenting in general?

In this way, all stages of childhood and parenting can be covered. Information products related to any stage would be valuable. And as a child grows, new problems and needs would arise.

The short-term niche of pregnancy can be turned into the broader, long-term niche of parenting.

And that means greater profitability.

Some niches inherently have long-term potential. With others, long-term potential can be created. With some, it might be very difficult to create long-term potential.

100 Niche Ideas

There are literally hundreds, perhaps thousands of potential niches out there. I’ve provided 5 unbeatable steps that will help anyone find the best niches to work with. But it’s always helpful to have a solid list of niche ideas from which to pull the very best, or even spark some more ideas.

Here are 100 ideas for niches. NOT ALL OF THESE NICHES ARE CREATED EQUAL.

Some are rock solid for just about any kind of business, while some work with some businesses but not with others.

However, this list should help spark some ideas!


The niches in this category offer solutions for the most basic of Maslow’s needs—the physiological needs. These are the needs that literally keep the body alive and functioning in a healthy manner. They are the needs that keep us functioning from day-to-day.

1. Diabetes
2. Chronic Pain
3. Hemorrhoids
4. Headaches
5. Quit Smoking
6. Menopause
7. Anxiety
8. Stress Management
9. Addiction


The niches in this category correspond to Maslow’s second tier in the hierarchy—safety. They are all geared toward providing security. A home to live in. Protection in bad times. A way to earn enough money to provide for the family.

10. Survivalist
11. Making Money as A Writer
12. Selling Arts and Crafts
13. Ecommerce
14. Internet Marketing
15. Social Media Marketing
16. Mobile Marketing
17. Search Engine Optimization
18. Email Marketing
19. Digital Publishing
20. Blogging
22. Investing in the Stock Market
23. Investing in Gold
24. Real Estate Investing
25. Business Opportunity
26. Day Trading
27. Sales
28. Copywriting
29. Cryptocurrency
30. Eco-Friendly
31. Alternative Energy


Now we move to the third tier of Maslow’s Hierarchy—Love and Belonging. The niches in this category help people find love, improve their relationships, and feel as though they belong to the greater community. This includes learning how to communicate with others.

32. Dating Advice for Men
33. Dating Advice for Women
34. Relationship Advice for Men
35. Relationship Advice for Women
36. Reignite Passion in Your Relationship
37. Get Your Ex Back
38. Make Friends
39. Divorce
40. Text Messaging for Dating
41. Weddings
42. Marriage
43. Online Dating


Now we are in the Esteem category. People interested in this niche have their more basic physical needs met. They are looking to feel better about themselves. This means getting physically fit, losing weight, and looking their very best.

And yes, these niches are associated with physical attributes, because when we look good, we feel good about ourselves. But it also includes niches that help people change the way they think about themselves and their lives.

44. Weight Loss for Men
45. Weight Loss for Women
46. Bodybuilding
47. Beauty & Makeup
48. Hair Loss
49. Skin Care
50. NLP
51. Sexual Performance
52. Men’s Style
53. Women’s Style
54. Anti-Aging


The fifth and final category lines up with Maslow’s Self-Actualization needs. This is when people want to better themselves on a deeper level. When they want to go past themselves and help make a difference in the world.

There is a major psychological and mental aspect to these niches. They are intended to help a person move outside themselves and work with others and within the greater community. It also incorporates spiritual needs.

55. Health & Wellness
56. Fitness/Exercise
57. Dog Training
58. Parenting Advice
59. Meditation
60. Law of Attraction
61. Spirituality
62. Public Speaking
63. Time Management
64. Hypnosis
65. Reiki
66. EFT
67. Binaural Beats
68. Breaking Bad Habits
69. Decluttering/Organization
70. Productivity
71. Memory Improvement
72. Test Preparation
73. Paleo Diet/Lifestyle
74. Vegan Diet/Lifestyle
75. Natural Health
76. Writing
77. Endurance Training

But there is one more category of niches we need to explore…


I’ve labeled these obsessions, although they do still fall into the levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy. For instance, video and board games provide a person with a sense of belonging and help them connect with others.

Learning to sing, dance, or do martial arts provides for the need of self-actualization. Cooking is fun to learn, but also provides the basic necessity of food. Yet, these are also niches for which people really develop a passion.

78. Video Games
79. Board Games
80. Craft Beer
81. Wine
82. Learn to Dance
83. Learn to Sing
84. Martial Arts
85. Learn the Guitar
86. Photography
87. Golf
88. Cooking
89. Travel
90. Magic
91. Learn New Languages
92. Tennis
93. Gardening
94. Videography
95. Woodworking
96. Outdoors
97. Hiking
98. Fishing
99. Automobiles
100. Horseback Riding

Helpful Tips

I’ve provided a lot of information on niches. However, there are a few additional things to know about them. First and foremost, not all niches are created equal. Some niches are better than others. Period.

Also, there is no guaranteed success regardless of the chosen niche. The selection of a great niche is just the beginning.

The purpose of this post is get people thinking. It is meant to inspire ideas. There are so many opportunities available, and this is really just the tip of the iceberg.

Perhaps the most important thing of all is to choose a niche with passion at the forefront of the decision. Having a sincere interest in the niche is a huge bonus.

More passion = more success.

When passion and interest in a niche aligns with the above checklist, there is a greater chance of success.

Choose Wisely

Choosing the right niche is the first step to success in any online business. And knowing how to choose is critical. Follow the five steps provided to identify a niche offers a greater chance of success…

  1. Digital Friendly
  2. Competition
  3. Size of Audience
  4. Popularity in Search
  5. Long-Term Potential

And of course, no one is bound to just one niche or need-based category. Anyone can operate an online business in multiple niches. The key is knowing how.

This week’s Success Weekly reveals 5 simple steps to build a business in just about any of these niches.

Anyone who is eager to learn, whether they want to focus on one niche or many, can join this free Success Weekly webinar. We will offer powerful information and examples that will help anyone reach success.

Sign up by clicking the button below. Looking forward to seeing you there!


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Thursday, January 18, 2018

How To Use The PEG Method To Achieve Your Goals In 2018

In this post I’m going to walk through a Powerful Problem-Solving System I have used to…

  • Manage a chronic illness
  • Build a million-dollar business
  • Fulfill a life-long dream to film a movie
  • Lose weight
  • Network with the biggest names in my industry
  • Pay down $1.7 million in debt
  • Navigate multimillion dollar product launches
  • Strengthen personal relationships
  • Break bad habits
  • Even meet celebrities!

With this system, I’ve been able to walk right up to ANY type of problem — no matter how tricky, scary or complicated — look it straight in the eye and take complete control.

I call this “The Peg Method.”

It doesn’t matter what part of someone’s life the problem affects.

Even for people who have failed many times before, this powerful system can finally help them to achieve that elusive success—whether it’s in finances, relationships, health or business.

The Peg Method connects 3 things — goals, problems, and assets — and puts them all together to get success. That’s what the diagram above is about. Don’t worry if it doesn’t make sense right now. This post will explain how to use it in detail.

The best part about The Peg Method is it’s fast. Even if someone has been struggling with a problem for years, they can follow the steps and map out the solution and their entire action plan in as little as 55 minutes.

Imagine finally taking control of a lifelong problem in under an hour. With The Peg Method, it’s possible! The weird thing about The Peg Method is that I think I was born with it. Looking back, it was always just “there” in the background. I’m pretty certain that I was using The Peg Method when I was just a little kid, without even realizing it.

In some form or other, The Peg Method has always operated for me subconsciously, helping me make all kinds of decisions and get to my goals.

But guess what?  For all its power, I never consciously formulated The Peg Method until recently.

It all came together when a friend who had a big business challenge came to visit. It really proved the truth of one of my favorite sayings: never underestimate the massive power of helping someone.

In the process of helping out a friend, The Peg Method literally unveiled itself. What I was doing subconsciously suddenly emerged as a complete, elegant system. I was then able to reverse-engineer this life-changing technique. It’s not only a cool story, it explains pretty well what The Peg Method is. So I’ll tell it right now…

How I Discovered The “Power of Peg”…

Peg Method

During the toughest time in my life, my friend Ben and I sat down together in the conference room. I said, “Just talk. Tell me what’s going on. I’m not going to say anything, I just want to listen. What are your issues? What are your problems? Tell me everything you’re facing in your business. What are your goals?”

Ben talked for almost an hour. He didn’t have just 1 problem or issue—he had at least a dozen. My brain was whispering in my ear, “Whoa, there’s way too much going on here!

Even I was getting lost, and I’m accustomed to dealing with some pretty complex business matters. Ben was literally drowning in ideas, obstacles, proposals, challenges, plus financial targets that were all over the place!

My brain started tugging at me again, “Dude, we’ve got to SORT and SIMPLIFY. Ben desperately needs some CLARITY.”

I think best when I can draw and diagram things out.

So I walked up to the white board and created 3 columns: GOALS, PROBLEMS, ASSETS.

Peg Method

It just came out that way, without conscious thought.

Then I asked Ben, “Hey, can we start to break some things down? Sort things out? Why don’t we start here. Tell me what your goals are.”

We made a list of 6 goals.

Next I said, “Now we’ll list what your problems are.”

We made a BIG list of those.

Finally I said, “Tell me what your assets are.”

Ben looked puzzled. “What do you mean by assets?”

“Assets are EVERYTHING you’ve got on hand that can help you. Assets can be people, products, information, money. In business assets can be data, stuff you own, a line of credit and your team. Assets can even be personal traits like persistence, creativity or the ability to sing like the three tenors!”

So we made a list of assets.

Then I said, “Okay, let’s just be quiet for a couple minutes, I got to look at this.”

I stepped back and just stared at it.

Ever see that movie “A Beautiful Mind”? Remember how John Nash is just staring at a bunch of random words and suddenly sees it all decoded into a perfectly clear system? That’s how I suddenly felt!

I said, “You know what? If you use this asset to make $50,000, then it automatically resolves this problem over here.”

Then I drew a staircase.

I took each goal and put it on its own stair. Then I started putting assets and problems on each step.

In a few minutes we had his entire 2010 business plan mapped out!

When we were all done, Ben turned to me and said, “So, what do you think about a workshop? Should I do a workshop in October?”

I replied, “Hmm. Good question. Where do you see a workshop on this list?”

“Nowhere,” Ben replied.

“Haha! Then why are we talking about it? Does it fit anywhere?”

“No,” said Ben.

“So let’s not worry about it. Anyway, we’re talking about October. You’ve got 3 steps you have to complete before you hit October, so set the workshop idea aside for now. Focus on just the next step: launch this product here to make $50,000. That’s it. You don’t need to make $100,000, and you don’t want to make only $25,000 either. Don’t overshoot or undershoot. Just do the $50,000.”

So the upshot? Ben just followed the plan and made $400,000 in 2010!

How To Use The Peg Method

Instant clarity with a simple staircase!

The Peg Method is the easiest way I’ve found to map what someone should do in their personal and professional life.

Just like in Ben’s example, when someone “Pegs” they make 3 lists:

  • Goals: Targets all of the things to make happen.
  • Problems: Anything getting in the way of making things happen.
  • Assets: Everything that could be of help.

These 3 lists are the core of The Peg Method.

With these lists someone sees what they want, what’s stopping them and what they have right now.

I could come up with dozens of examples of how to use The Peg Method, from highly complex to drop dead simple.

For a sample of the Peg Method, though, I’m going to walk through 2 examples.

The first is a goal that may seem like a far out thing for most people: doubling their income in one year.

Whoa, doubling income? That’s quite a leap for many people (unless they were unemployed the previous year!).

The second example is a goal that may seem EVEN MORE far out: making $1 million.

Sound a little ambitious? I understand.

But with the help of The Peg Method, it’s clear that both of these goals are DOABLE.

Let’s start with the first one: doubling income.

Step 1: List Goals, Problems & Assets

Steve is a middle manager making $50,000/year. That’s a decent middle class wage, but Steve wants more. He’s got a kid on the way and wants to start making 6 figures as quickly as possible.

Can Steve do this in less than a year?

Let’s see how he could do it following The Peg Method…

The first thing Steve needs to do is take out a piece of paper and start writing things down. He should make 3 columns — GOALS, ASSETS, PROBLEMS.

THE GOAL: Earn $100,000 in the next year.

In this case, we are going with a big, top-level goal up front. This is definitely an ambitious goal that is not going to just fall into his lap.

He’s going to need to create a solid plan to get it!

With the goal in mind, Steve should list out the biggest problems and assets associated with this goal. For the sake of keeping this post short, I’ll simplify them a bit, but the idea is the same.

PROBLEMS standing in the way:

  • Dead end job. Steve does not have any realistic opportunity to get promoted at the company where he works.
  • Motivation. While Steve wants to double his income, sometimes he doesn’t feel like doing the work required to get it. (See how The Peg Method forces someone to be HONEST with themselves?)
  • Steve is a shy guy. He is not the kind of person who will walk into a room full of strangers and bounce around as a social butterfly. This makes networking difficult.

Now for his ASSETS. What are the things working for Steve?

ASSETS that can help:

  • Logan, a friend who owns his own business. He has connections with local businesses.
  • Overtime. Steve only works a 40 hour week, and there are opportunities to work overtime, which is 1.5x pay.
  • Steve has expertise with social media marketing. He knows how to apply it to all kinds of situations, both personal and business.

Here’s a picture that illustrates Steve’s lists, with the big goal at the top.

Peg Method

Step 2: Draw The Staircase

Right now we have one big goal: make $100,000 this year.

When someone looks at that goal, it’s pretty overwhelming. How can Steve tackle something that big?

Simple: by breaking it up.

Even the biggest, most far-out goals become 10x more manageable when broken down into a bunch of mini-goals.

Remember the old joke about “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time!”?

It’s the same with goals—especially big ones like doubling an income.

At first glance, it’s NOT clear how Steve can make the jump from $50,000 to $100,000. That’s just too much to bite off and swallow.

On the other hand, when Steve is looking at jumping from $50,000 to, say, $70,000, all kinds of possibilities emerge. Breaking up goals lifts the fog and makes opportunities appear.

“Taking small bites” also increases people’s drive. It provides some “small wins” along the way.

I’m the type of person who LOVES crossing things off my to-do list. If it takes me months to cross something off, I become demotivated.

That’s a problem a bunch of people have with reaching big money goals. They make a little headway — a few thousand dollars or so — and then stall. It takes too long to get the satisfaction of achieving the big goal, so they give up.

But what happens when someone breaks down their goal and makes every few thousand dollars its own win?

They get the satisfaction of lots of small victories. Lack of motivation is no longer a problem, and it’s easier to keep going!

What Steve needs to do is draw a staircase on his Peg Diagram.

Here’s how it works:

  • Each step of the staircase is ONE of his goals.
  • Each step will use ONE of his assets which will resolve ONE of his problems.

For Steve, he’ll have a staircase with steps that are worth $20,000, $10,000 and $20,000. (Steve should actually break it down even further, but this will give us a simple example to work with.)

Here’s how it looks on the diagram:


STEP 3: Put A Problem & An Asset On Each Step

Now what happens? How does Steve pull everything together into a plan?

Simple: he associates a problem and an asset with each step.

Doing this is a LOT easier than most people think! The problem-solving goes very fast at this point.

The first problem Steve should tackle is motivation. Motivation kicks in automatically for most people once they see results… but until results happen, motivation is usually zero!

Steve needs to use an asset that will get him quick results. The lowest hanging fruit available to him is working some overtime.

Peg Method


If he works an average of 10 hours of overtime each week, that will earn him an extra $18,000 over the course of the year.

It makes sense for him to deploy this asset first because he will see an immediate increase in each paycheck. Within a month, the amount in his bank account will be higher. That will motivate him to keep going!

Steve brings down his mini-GOAL ($20,000), his PROBLEM (Motivation) and matches it with an ASSET (Overtime).

Peg Method

Now here’s something important about this step: Steve should not worry about (or even THINK about) $100,000! The BIG goal should be OUT of his mind.

All he should focus on is that first step.

It’s easy to see that simply matching a problem + an asset with a goal can really open up someone’s mind.

It takes away the clutter. It eases the pressure. It allows us to relax. The stress goes away. We’re focused on chunks. We’re eating the elephant, but it no longer looks overwhelming, intimidating or discouraging.

This exercise can also eliminate a lot of negative self-talk.

We all have that little nagging voice in our head that whispers, “Ugh, this is such a BIG goal… it’s so HARD… I’ll NEVER do it.” With The Peg Method, we forget about what we CAN’T do. Instead, we’re focused on a small goal which we CAN do.

Here’s a little diagram that shows what’s really happening. We’re just taking a list of Goals, Problems & Assets and arranging them on the staircase.

Peg Method

Every step on the staircase is an attainable goal.

STEP 4 – Repeat For Each Step On The Staircase

Watch this Success Weekly clip where Anik takes a deep dive into mini-goals and how to apply The Peg Method.

Now back to Steve’s goal. He’s going for the second step on the staircase: $10,000.

Peg Method

  • He brings down another goal: $10,000.
  • He brings down a problem: no promotion opportunities.
  • He brings down an asset: his social media skills.

Why does Steve need to deploy this part of the plan and not just be content with working overtime?

Because there’s not much more Steve can do with the “overtime asset”. There’s only so many hours of overtime he can work, and there’s no room for promotion. So he MUST get some side income going.

Luckily Steve understands social media tools like Facebook and Twitter. He can help companies use these tools to market their products and services.

Should Steve go out and try to get a job as a social media manager? Maybe. But only large companies hire somebody full-time to manage their social media. Most businesses contract it out to agencies or individuals. But this actually gives Steve an incredible opportunity: he can approach local businesses and offer to manage their social media for them.

In today’s market, he should be able to get at least $500/month per client.

Just getting 2 clients would vault him over the $10,000 mark for the year.

This is also a relatively easy strategy for Steve. Because he knows what he’s doing, 2 clients would require only an hour or so each day. And all he needs is a computer and internet connection. But here’s what’s really important: social media management could grow into full-time work. It could replace Steve’s current job.

How? His per hour rate is much, much higher with the social media stuff. Once again, Steve is matching an asset against a problem, and using that to achieve a mini-goal.

PROBLEM (dead end job) + ASSET (social media skills) = $10,000 down!

Peg Method

Now, has Steve stopped his other work? Heck no!

By now Steve’s riding the momentum he created with taking more overtime. He’s already got money coming in from that.

So at this point, he’s simply ADDING something to the mix.

He’s utilizing a new asset to solve an old problem AND achieve a mini-goal at the same time. Nice, huh?

Finally let’s do one more step on Steve’s staircase.

Peg Method

  • He brings down another goal: $20,000.
  • He brings down a problem: his introversion.
  • He brings down an asset: his friend Logan.

It’s obvious that the best way for Steve to double his income is to grow his social media consulting and wean himself off his current job.

All Steve has to do is get more clients… but that means approaching businesses and selling his services. That’s not something Steve is naturally good at. Frankly, cold calling a lot of different businesses is NOT something Steve wants to do!

Luckily, Steve has a friend who has connections: Logan.

Logan can ask around his network. He can find out who needs social media services. He can link those people up with Steve. No cold calling required!

Steve simply needs to follow through on the opportunities and do great work for his clients. The Peg Method shows how this is totally doable.

We overcome what looks like a huge problem with an asset that makes it melt away. By adding just 4 clients, he’ll earn the extra $20,000 he needs to top $100,000 in annual income.

Even cooler, Steve could set himself up to be self-employed doing something he’s passionate about. And all because he recognizes that Logan — an asset — can help him overcome one of his biggest obstacles.

Peg Method

See how The Peg Method gets us to think creatively about the assets we already have?

It even gives us ideas for more assets we need to acquire. Imagine what could happen for Steve if he had 2, 3, or 4 well-connected friends like Logan!

I could keep going, but I think at this point everyone can see how to use The Peg Method.

Simply write down…

  • Everything we’re trying to accomplish (Goals)
  • Everything we have that can help (Assets)
  • Everything standing in our way (Problems)
  • Then just sort it all out on the staircase!

Now let’s go to the next level and see if The Peg Method can help achieve an even more ambitious goal…

Let’s dive into the second example: making $1 million.

Lauren owns a moderately successful Internet Marketing business that makes her around $100,000/year. That’s a decent chunk of change, but Lauren wants more. In fact, she wants to become a millionaire — and fast.

What’s step #1? Creating those 3 columns.

THE GOAL: Earn $1 million during the next year.

With the goal in mind, Lauren should list out the biggest problems and assets associated with it, like the previous example. To keep this post short, I’ll simplify them a bit.

PROBLEMS standing in the way:

  • Small list. In the Internet Marketing world, it’s difficult to have huge product launches without a large email list. Unfortunately, Lauren’s email list is very small.
  • No time! Her schedule every day is already maxed out. She doesn’t have more than an hour or two to work on a new project.
  • Motivation. While Lauren wants to earn a million dollars, sometimes she doesn’t feel like doing the work required to get it.

Now for her ASSETS. What are the things working for Lauren?

ASSETS that can help:

  • Her friend Jamie, who owns a multi-million dollar Internet Marketing business. She is constantly launching new products and could be open to collaborating on some with Lauren.
  • A shelved product that was never launched. Lauren created this product a while back, but she got tied up with other stuff before she could launch it. While it needs a little bit of work, it is almost ready to go.
  • Lauren LOVES meeting new people. She can walk into any room and instantly make connections.

Here’s a picture that shows her lists, with the big goal at the top.

Let’s Peg It!

Alright, we’ve got that imposing $1 million goal. The first thing Lauren needs to do is break it up.


  • Each step of the staircase is ONE of her goals.
  • Each step will use ONE of her assets, which will resolve ONE of her problems.

For Lauren, each stair will represent $250,000. Again, she should actually break it down even further, into more granular goals. But I’ll do the 30,000 foot overview to simplify the example.

Here’s how it looks on the diagram:

Now it’s time to start pairing up problems with assets.

The first problem Lauren should tackle is motivation. It’s important to get the ball rolling since it’s easier to KEEP moving than it is to START moving.

So Lauren needs to use an asset that will get her quick results. That means launching a product. The good news is that she’s got one ready to go sitting on the shelf. So it makes sense for her to deploy this asset first.

Peg Method

Within a month, she’ll see money flowing into her bank account. That should motivate her to keep going and make even more!

Lauren brings down her mini-GOAL ($250,000), her PROBLEM (motivation) and matches it with an ASSET (shelved product).

Peg Method

Remember: Lauren should not worry about (or even THINK about) $1 million! The BIG goal should be out of her mind.

All she needs to focus on is that FIRST STEP.

Now back to Lauren’s goal. She’s going for the second $250,000 step.

Peg Method

  • She brings down another goal: $250,000.
  • She brings down a problem: her lack of time.
  • She brings down an asset: her friend Jamie! The 2 of them will collaborate on creating and launching a new product.

Jamie is a terrific asset to help Lauren overcome her time issues. Yes, they can split the work. But more importantly, Jamie brings her own assets to help.

Working together, they can create and launch a product TOGETHER that will help both of them do MORE!

Once again, Lauren is matching an asset against a problem to achieve a mini-goal.

PROBLEM (lack of time) + ASSET (partnership with Jamie) = $250,000 down!

Peg Method

Finally let’s do one more step on Lauren’s staircase.

Lauren’s small mailing list is a significant liability. By increasing the size of her mailing list, Lauren can reach out to more potential customers. This means any time she launches a new product, she can sell to a bigger audience. That means more money with each product launch. 

Peg Method

  • She brings down another goal: $250,000.
  • She brings down a problem: her small list.
  • She brings down an asset: her networking skills.

Lauren will already be growing her list by following through on the first 2 steps. But if she really wants to start making the big bucks, she’ll need to do more.

This is where networking comes in. Effective networking can connect Lauren with other entrepreneurs with big lists of their own. If she nurtures these relationships and offers their lists good deals, that opens up opportunities for bigger product launches. That means a LOT more momentum!

Lauren has an important networking asset: she is an outgoing woman. She can walk into a room full of strangers and start connecting with them.

Lauren simply needs to find more networking opportunities. She already possesses a natural asset — her personality — that can connect her to people who will grow her business. Heck, all Lauren has to do is USE a trait she already possesses and make some profitable connections!

Peg Method

Just like that, The Peg Method takes an incredibly ambitious financial goal — earning $1 million — and breaks it down to make it more attainable. It all starts with making mini-goals.

See, most people tackle their wealth goals the wrong way. They trap themselves in longing and dreaming. They focus on the whole $200,000, $500,000 or $1 million.

But how do we make $50,000? Or even $100,000? And actually keep the money we make?

And what’s standing in our way — what’s preventing us from making that money? Do we even know what led to our current financial position in the first place?

Many people spend a bunch of money on different “make money” programs and get absolutely nowhere with them. But it’s not because they have the wrong information.

It’s because they have absolutely no idea what their REAL obstacles are. And they don’t know how to find the assets they need, let alone deploy them in an effective way.

Our problems — and our assets — are all unique.

So we need a set of steps, an abundance mindset and way to put all that good stuff into a plan that feels right for who we are as individuals.

Without that, it’s easy to keep poisoning our minds with big, fuzzy, vague wishes that never actually get anywhere.

So ask these questions…

  • Do I know what my real problems are?
  • What do I have for assets?
  • What do I have to work with?
  • What am I good at?
  • What stands in my way?

To make money, we can’t just do what someone else tells us to do! What THEY specifically did to make money might not work for us. We’re all different people. We all have different assets and different strengths. Our techniques might not work for others.

If we try to be exactly like someone else, we could just be fighting our own inner guidance.

But The Peg Method helps us to stop fighting ourselves. It shows us what we want, what we have and the EXACT STEPS we need to get what we want without fighting ourselves and without beating ourselves up because we can’t do everything right NOW.

The PEG Method And New Year’s Resolutions

As most people know, new year’s resolutions rarely work.

And it’s because of a few things:

  • People have vague goals
  • People don’t have a clear plan or system to implement
  • Goals can be overwhelming

Now can you see why most new year’s resolutions fail miserably? And what’s the best way to avoid this fate? The PEG Method!

The PEG Method makes it simple to achieve any goal.

And it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Using the PEG Method is simple too. Here are the steps again…

Pretty simple, right? And if you need more clarity, go back to the detailed explanations and examples above.

Start 2018 off on the right foot.

Take a few minutes to list your goals, problems and assets. Draw a staircase. Put a problem and asset on each step for each goal. In just a few minutes, you have a more actionable plan of attack than 99% of people.

Now start taking action.

If this post was valuable, please pass it along to friends, family and anyone else who can benefit 🙂

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Thursday, January 11, 2018

The Best Websites To Find Affiliate Programs That Pay (Updated For 2018)

Here’s some really good news for anyone who wants to earn a living online…

It IS possible to make money online selling someone else’s products.

And it’s possible to do this through email. No need for a website and complicated setups. How? It’s called affiliate marketing. And it is a goldmine!

I know this because affiliate marketing is how I got my start in online business. And it made me millions.

First thing’s first…

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a really simple concept. It involves one person selling a product for someone else and receiving a commission for that sale. That’s it. Simple, right?

The concept of referrals has been around for a long time—known in the past as word of mouth. But back in the pre-internet days, there was no real way to track referrals to a business. Unless you worked for a specific company and sold their products, there was no commission.

The result? The average person was not compensated for making referrals. Someone could have spent their whole life raving about a specific shoe brand, maybe making millions of dollars for the company, while never earning a dollar themselves.

But now there is a way to track those referrals!

These days, anyone can be compensated by recommended certain products and referring customers to brands. And that opens up a whole new realm of possibilities!

How Do Affiliate Offers Work?

Today’s internet technology makes it possible to easily track referrals.

An affiliate refers someone to an online product and receives a commission when that person buys the product. That’s all there is to it. It is a win-win scenario for everyone involved.

Affiliate offers are run on such a simple system. Once someone signs up as an affiliate, they are assigned their own unique tracking link or affiliate link. And this link is the key to making commissions.

The tracking link can be placed in ads and on the person’s blog or other websites. Whenever someone clicks on the link, they are taken to the product’s landing page. If that customer buys the product, it gets traced back to the affiliate and that affiliate gets the commission.

For example, if I sign up as an affiliate for a weight loss product, I will receive an affiliate link. I can then put that link on my blog. I can also create Facebook or Google ads to promote that link.

And every time someone clicks on the link and buys the product, I will make a commission.

This commission can be as high as 60% to 80% of the sale. And I haven’t even done any work to get that money, other than posting a link!

Affiliate Marketing As a Business Model

Affiliate marketing offers amazing flexibility.

It is possible to run an affiliate marketing business on its own with great success. I’ve done it. So I know from firsthand experience.

Affiliate marketing can also supplement an existing business. It offers a great way to provide offers to subscribers and customers aside from the central offerings of a business.

And here’s the best part…

Affiliate marketing can go hand-in-hand with email marketing. I personally believe that email is the best medium for affiliate marketing.

To run a successful affiliate marketing business, here’s a simple, surefire strategy:

  • Build a list
  • Provide content
  • Promote affiliate offers

I have been doing this for over a decade. In fact, I started out as an affiliate marketer, long before I got into digital publishing. I studied the very best marketing strategies out there and I brought them together to build my own business.

And I did it ALL through email!

I made millions of dollars. And it was at that point that I realized I could help others achieve internet marketing success.

And that’s when I started creating my own digital products. I already had the email lists built. I already knew how to attract subscribers. I turned those lists from my affiliate products to my own products. And eventually, I founded Lurn, which is the culmination of all of it.

But in order to have a successful affiliate marketing business, it is important to truly understand affiliate marketing.

And a crucial part of this is knowing how to find good affiliate offers

What To Look For In An Affiliate Offer

There are hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of affiliate products out there. They are spread out across dozens of niches. When deciding what to promote, it is necessary to narrow this down.

First, choose a profitable niche. Some niches perform better than others, and the key to success is to choose a winning niche. These include niches such as:

  • Weight Loss
  • Fitness
  • Personal Development
  • Dating
  • Survival
  • Finances
  • Hobbies

And a lot more.

Once a niche is chosen, it is time to choose an affiliate offer. But, how do you know if an offer is a good one?

The first thing to consider is the price point of the offer.

  • Low-ticket – Between $1 and $97
  • Mid-ticket – Between $97 and $700
  • High-ticket – Over $700

Determine which price range the product falls into. Different strategies are required to sell each kind.

The more expensive the product, the more that has to go into the sales process… More time, more value provided and more relationship building with potential customers.

For example, with low-ticket offers, simply sending out a promotional email can be effective. But with a higher ticket offer, a lot more has to be done. I even recommend affiliates do their own webinars for higher ticket offers. Doing that was a big key to my own success early on.

And with any offer, remember that good copy is absolutely crucial!

Over the years of building my email affiliate business, I learned that promoting a mix of these different types of offers works best.

Only promoting low-ticket items means limiting the amount of money earned. Only promoting high-ticket offers means alienating subscribers who can’t afford them. But promoting one of each type of offer every month produces the best results.

When looking for the best affiliate offers, it is necessary to get as much data as possible. Does the product sell well? Is the commission good? Here’s what to look for:

  • Conversion rate (Gravity on ClickBank)—How well the product is selling
  • Commission—Should be at least 60%
  • Quality of the sales page—Length/quality of copy and how it compares to competitors

It is also important to assess the market.

Determine whether there is a lot of affiliate competition. Believe it or not, the more affiliates promoting the offer, the better. Competition is a good thing! It shows the market is hot and that people are buying.

Also, check out market and niche keywords to make sure there are a lot of solid search terms. Every market has terms and phrases that people are actively seeking out. Use these in your copy.

Of course, all of this data is important. But what people think of the offer is just as important.

Are there product reviews or testimonials? What do people have to say? If others don’t like the offer, there is no point in selling it. But if people who have bought it are raving about it, that’s a great indicator. There’s a good chance that sales will go through the roof.

The next step is to sample the product. Remember that when an affiliate is promoting a product that is inferior, their customers will come back to that affiliate if they don’t like the product.

Test the product out! It is far easier and more honest to promote a product that has been personally tried and tested.

A good affiliate offer will be consistent with the affiliate’s brand and overall message.

If the brand’s message is natural health, for example, then an affiliate offer for a pharmaceutical drug wouldn’t fit. And it likely won’t appeal to that affiliate’s subscribers.

Once good affiliate offers are identified, the next step is to determine where to find them…

The Best Websites To Find Affiliate Offers

Finding affiliate offers really isn’t difficult.

There are so many sources out there for affiliate offers. It’s simply a matter of searching through the options. Then select the best ones based on niche, branding and personal preference.

Here is a list of the best places to find great affiliate offers. Just keep in mind that some of these are third-party affiliate companies and others are companies that control their own affiliate program.


ClickBank is one of the largest and oldest online retailers and affiliate programs. Affiliates can promote physical and digital offers in a wide range of niches. And with over 6 million product offers and 200 million customers, the affiliate opportunities are incredible.

JV Zoo

JV Zoo is another popular affiliate platform with a focus on information products. They offer detailed data, making it easy to choose good products. This includes when the product was launched, the price, how many sold, the commission, and the percentage of sales that were refunded.

CJ Affiliate

CJ Affiliate used to be Commission Junction. This is considered to be the largest affiliate platform around. Most major retailers use CJ Affiliate and they reach millions of consumers.


OfferVault is a free service that provides over 61,000 CPA (Cost Per Action) and CPC (Cost Per Click) offer in one place. These offers can be searched and sorted based on a number of filters, such as category, payout, and when the offer was last updated.


This is a digital and physical product retailer and affiliate platform that is easy to use. It’s a relatively small network, so the range of products to promote is limited. However, the signup process is quick and easy and commissions are as high as 95%.


CommissionSoup is an affiliate network that has been around since 2000. They offer great tracking features and reporting for CPA, CPS (Cost Per Sale), and CPL (Cost Per Lead).


For 15 years, ShareASale has operated strictly as an affiliate marketing platform. They have a great reputation and their technology is renowned. They also have 4,000 merchants, of which more than 1,000 are exclusive to ShareASale.


FlexOffers is another dedicated affiliate platform that has been around for over 10 years. They are focused on the digital publishing industry. So this is ideal for affiliates that want to promote information products.


Avangate is a digital commerce retailer that has a great affiliate program. Their service is cloud-based and is centered on SaaS, software, and service companies.


This is a CPA marketing platform. They have their own affiliate technology that allows affiliates to create customized ad campaigns.


AffiBank is a third-party affiliate platform that offers numerous product categories. The majority of the offers pay 75% on commissions. Plus, they have their own in-house affiliate tracking system.


AvantLink is an affiliate platform dedicated to technology products. They bring developers together with merchants and affiliates. And since their focus is on technology they are leading the way in affiliate technology.

affiliate program

Max Bounty

MaxBounty is an industry leading performance marketing network connecting trusted and skilled affiliate marketers with vetted high paying advertisers on a cost-per-action basis.


Tradedoubler delivers performance marketing and technology solutions powering a unique network of connections with over 2,000 global brands and 180,000 active publishers.

affiliate site


Awin is a global affiliate marketing network that empowers advertisers and publishers of all sizes to grow their businesses online.


Rakuten used to be It has landed in the top three eCommerce companies with more than 90,000 products and over 18 million customers. And Rakuten offers the ability to effectively optimize and customize offers.

Amazon Associates

Amazon handles its own affiliate program. And since Amazon is the largest online retailer, the affiliate opportunities are amazing. Affiliates can choose from over 1.5 million products to promote. However, the commissions—at 4% to 9%—aren’t nearly as good as some other affiliate programs.


eBay has been around for more than 20 years. It is one of the largest online retailers and has a great affiliate program. This program includes the ability to easily track and report affiliate sales.

More Ways to Find Affiliate Offers

The above list of affiliate programs offers an impressive selection of niches and affiliate offers. But there are a few other great ways to find good affiliate offers too!

Private Affiliate Programs

Some businesses or online marketers have private affiliate programs. To find these, simply go to Google and search for “Your Niche + Affiliate Programs.” Then go through the search results and contact the ones that look good.

Many of the top products in every niche have their own affiliate programs. These can be great ways of making money as an affiliate marketer.

Blogs & Newsletters

Another good way to find good affiliate offers is to browse through blogs and email newsletters and see what they’re promoting. If respected blogs and newsletters are promoting it, it is probably worthwhile.

This is especially the case if the same ones pop up in more than one place. Remember, other people promoting offers is a good sign!


Affiliate groups can be found on Facebook! These are great sources for affiliate offers. Join those groups and find out what they are promoting.


There are forums, such as Warrior Forum, that are specifically dedicated to affiliate programs and offers. Check them out, ask questions, and find offers and ideas. There is no need to completely reinvent the wheel.

Once the best affiliate offers have been identified, the next step is to promote them and start earning commissions.

Promoting Affiliate Programs

Finding the right affiliate offers is just the beginning. Next comes promoting them. But putting out ads that lead to the sales page is not the only way to do it. In fact, it’s not the best way to do it.

There are actually quite a few ways to promote affiliate offers. Let’s take a look.

Email Marketing

Promoting to a list of email subscribers is one of the most effective ways to promote affiliate offers. This is a highly-targeted audience. They found the email list and subscribed to it because they were looking for something specific.

Plus, these people are on the list because they chose to be. They are giving their permission to market to them. There is no better audience.

Email marketing allows marketers to communicate directly with people who are already interested. Does it get any better than that?

High-End Products

As I said before, promoting high-end products requires going the extra mile. People are being asked to part with a lot of money. This means the offer must be very valuable and the connection with the audience must be deep.

To gain their trust and provide value, market via video or webinars. This will accomplish the following:

  • It makes the connection with the audience much more personal.
  • It helps build a relationship with the audience.
  • It makes the audience more trusting.

Offer bonuses with the product to increase the value of what the consumer is paying for. Examples of bonuses include free reports, an extended guarantee, or another product that compliments the product being promoted.


Write a review of the product and attach the affiliate link. A review blog is ideal for this. As time goes by, the blog with gather a following. When a review is posted, along with the affiliate link, people will buy. Just make sure the review is an honest one.

The good thing about reviews are that they can be both valuable content and an endorsement. This is a good recipe for affiliate sales.

YouTube Videos

People love videos. This is such an effective way to engage with consumers and create a personal connection. Videos can be used in a couple of ways:

  • A video is a great way to do a product demo. Showing the product in action will help people understand its value. It will show them how it can improve their lives. Then place the affiliate link in or below the video and watch the sales roll in.
  • A video is also a great way to promote an offer by presenting information on something related to the product. This could be research, a personal story, or something else that is connected. Reveal to the consumer how the product can help them.

Get creative. There are an infinite number of ways to promote affiliate products. And it is highly recommended to use more than one method. With different avenues of promotion, sales will increase.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to earn passive online income. It’s also a way to supplement the income of an existing online business. Affiliate marketing offers flexibility and endless possibilities.

And it is available for ANYONE to take advantage of. All for pennies on the dollar.

Selling someone else’s product has never been easier. The key is to find the best products in the most profitable niches. Then, search out the best affiliate programs and find other creative ways to promote those offers.

And for the ultimate in success—pair the promotion of those affiliate offers with email marketing. This truly is a winning combination.

There is no limit to the success that can be achieved through affiliate marketing. And we want to help!

We’re offering a FREE Digital Bootcamp.

Face it. It’s difficult to find success by just stumbling around solo. It takes a lot of time, energy and trial and error. That’s why the best approach is to learn from people who have actually done it. And that’s what we’re here to do.

In this FREE Digital Bootcamp, we’ll give you the best strategies and specific systems to make money with affiliate marketing. Ready to succeed?

Sign up below!

I’ll see you there.

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